miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Orange Walk Town Belice

 After spending two months in Corozal I finally moved down to the next district called Orange Walk. I arrived at this town and went looking for a room to stay but distances where larger than in Corozal . My main purpose was to find me an affordable place to stay that would be a bit nicer than my last room in Corozal where I was paying $50 BZ per week.
I managed to find me a place in a village called San José del Palmar where I stayed for about 4 months, I joined religious communities and did some sales work. I offered SEO services to the local merchants but there wasn't much appreciation for the services.
Orange Walk seems to me like a peaceful place to be. There where nice disco's which I have not visited but will probably visit in the future.

It is nice to see people from so many different nations together living in one single community sharing different languages. I have heard English, Kriol, Spanish and even german down on the street. It is nice move along and be approached on the street in spanish by unknown persons. It makes me feel good for they recognize the spanish in me but it makes me also feel good when they speak to me in English for that acknowledges the English part in me.
The district is kind of safe but one should pay close attention to love relationships cause the most recurrent crimes are of the passionate kind.

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