martes, 10 de enero de 2012

Moving to the south of Belize

Then I moved down towards the south of the country and entered a unknown to me territory called Stann Creek district. I was magnificent to me to get to see the mountains after so many years , in fact one year since I departed from the lovely hills of the coffee region in Colombia. It somehow reminded me of those days back in Colombia. As I went further down to the south of Belize I could sense and recognize that kind of nature so familiar to me to the right for there was the thick jungle with the kind of mountains and vegetation that grew up with but I felt yet unfamiliar with what I saw to the left, namely beautiful orange plantations, thousands of orange trees aligned up all over the fields. I didn't had the change to see many people at work since it was still time for the festivities of the end of the year and the beginning of the brand new one that had been waited for since long, long ago back in those years when the Mayans gazed at the sky and where able to foretell the future generations through generations and centuries throughout centuries ahead of time with no much aid than the cultivation of the spirit and the reverence, submission and respect to nature that was considered as our truly mother and father responsible for our protection and well being.
I haven't really spotted any particular Mayan ruin or temple so far but I would like to do so when the time is due and when the proper guidance appear.

I dropped my anchor down at Dangriga, found me a nice spot to stay and I'll stay until enchantment is over.

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