lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009

Guaduas cundinamarca Colombia odd city

Guaduas cundinamarca is a small town but really really rare.
I first made contact with this town a couple of months ago. I had to bring my car from Bogotá to Ambalema and I didn´t know wich way to chose so I headed to Honda knowing that the town was reachable from there, a really vague way of travelling, I know but this is my way , what can I do about it, anyway, sometimes this particular way of making desicions brings me to the most amazing places and situations.
The thing was that I departed from Bogotá at midnight all on my own in an oldy car that could run into problems any time, plus the security thing in Colombia, you can´t just drive your car the direction you place anytime, you have to be carefull not to transit ways where there have being guerrillas and that kind of situations. None of this kind of problems happened except for the fuel that runned out, i poured some more en kept on heading to Honda.
It was about 3 in the morning when I arrived at Guaduas, I was a little bit tired so I decided to sleep there. I found an hotel with a parking place but to my surprise the hotel keeper insisted that it was no use at all to open de parking door, she said nothing will happen to your car I warrantie that. She sounded really convincing, my car has no lock working and one of the glasses was blown out, so no security at all. I was tired as I said and didn´t want to go through so much hassle so I collected some things and got into my room.

In my room I had to think about the past, José Celestino Mutis himself travelled this same path at the back of horses and on a ship first. The little I could see was much of a colonialism impression, really nice though as you can see you are in a especial place , a place with history in its surroundings, a place with an Identity.

I took a shower and got some sleep. When I awoked it was 10 am, I felt fit and wanted to continue with my trip, went out got into my car I watched over my shoulder and guess what I saw, there was my mobile phone that I´d forgotten in the car.
For a moment hope came into my mind and body about this country, dude! that was like being in Canada or Somewhere in the netherlands.

I continued my trip along Honda,Mariquita,San felipe till I got to Ambalema, the so popular Mutis route that I was visiting.

Today I got know things about Guaduas, It was pouring with rain yesterday and today people from all over the town claim to have found gold down on the streets,how come?.
There are pictures and films about this subject and that was on the news today.

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