jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Live and work in spain

My relationship with Spain is kind of bitter sour. I love it because of the fact that it is lovely to visit a place which is located thousands of miles from your home country and where people happen to speak your home language, but on the other hand the same fact makes it to me a less interesting thing because the farther you fly the different things your expect to see in regards to the culture. I was born in Colombia and I grew up with most of the things Spanish people grew up with. We also have bullfights in Colombia which by the I don´t like partially because the part where the bull beats the shit out of the bullfighter I like. Don´t you think they deserve it?. We Colombians eat a lot just like Spanish people do. There are though some things that are a bit different between this two cultures. For instance Colombians won´t argue verbally that long, they would inmediately react violently and not only verbally, they will actually hit first and let the arguing for later.
Strangely enough Colombians are softer and mannered when speaking, Colombians do ask for a favor no matter what the position of the asked person is. Colombians do show respect while Spanish won´t ask a favor of a waiter, they will demand whatever they want. A waiter in spain won´t go making a gentle conversation with you before hi asks you what you want, An spanish waiter will go directly to the point and will ask you with urgence what do you want or they say "Diga Diga" wich means speak up! speak up!.
Anyway, first I tought they where just rude and not well educated persons but now I realize that this is just a cultural thing.

How To Plan the Perfect Romantic Anniversary Getaway

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

hot summer time in platja d'aro Costabrava

Summer 2008, the summer was hot down in Barcelona, really too hot. I went to Barcelona with a couple of friends to spend our holidays away from family job and school. We first found out about the camp sites in the Costa Brava where you can place a Caravan. Platja d´aro was the place we chose. That was the place with all the elements we where looking for. There´s a nudist spot, lots of dutch Disco's where you can go drink a liter beer for just one euro.

During the day we where to spend the day in the camp site with all the campers sipping pastis with a bounch of frech guys who where caravaning too. The nicest thing about getting drunk with those dudes at the campsite is that as soon as I got too much drunk then I could easily return to my motorhome crawling, it was just a couple of meters away. Next day we would laught about the day before and the things we did. A friend of mine got the word knaus tatooed in his faces. He got drunk en fell over the floor of the motorcaravan and inmediately fell asleep too with the sign knaus pressed onto his face.

Ecological tourism